Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Lyme Disease Awareness Table

Just Look for the Green, stop by and say HI!

National Guideline Clearninghouse

Does your PCP know about this, know that ILADS guidelines were added (Sep 2015), know that IDSA guidelines were pulled (Feb 2016) for being outdated?
If they don't, they need to know. WHY?
Because it affects the level of Healthcare services that you and your loved are receiving with regards to Lyme and Tickborne Diseases!!!!

What is the National Guideline Clearinghouse?
The National Guideline Clearinghouse (NGC) is a publicly available database of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines and related documents. It provides Internet users with free online access to guidelines at
Updated weekly with new content, the NGC is produced by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ, formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research [AHCPR]), in partnership with the American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Association of Health Plans (AAHP) Foundation.
What Are the Major Features of the NGC?
Key components of the NGC include:
*Structured, standardized abstracts (summaries) about each guideline and its development.
*A utility for comparing attributes of two or more guidelines in a side-by-side comparison.
*Syntheses of guidelines covering similar topics, highlighting areas of similarity and difference.
*Links to full-text guidelines, where available, and/or ordering information for print copies.
*Annotated bibliographies on guideline development methodology, structure, implementation, and evaluation.
*Other user-friendly features include:

What's New, which enables users to see what guidelines have been added each week and includes an index of all guidelines in the NGC.
NGC-L Discussion List, an electronic forum for exchanging information on clinical practice guideline development methodology, dissemination, implementation, and evaluation.
NGC Update Service, a weekly electronic mailing of new guidelines and updates to existing guidelines being posted to the NGC Web site.
Detailed Search, which enables users to limit their online searches to guidelines that target a particular population group or publication year, include patient resources, and/or incorporate certain developmental criteria, such as a clinical algorithm or implementation plan.
NGC Browse, which permits users to scan guidelines available on the NGC site by disease/condition, treatment/intervention, or guideline issuing organization.

What Criteria Must Guidelines Meet?
For a clinical practice guideline to be considered for the NGC, it must meet these criteria:
The guideline must contain systematically developed recommendations, strategies, or other information to assist health care decisionmaking in specific clinical circumstances.
The guideline must have been produced under the auspices of a relevant professional organization (e.g., medical specialty society, government agency, health care organization, or health plan).
The guideline development process must have included a verifiable, systematic literature search and review of existing evidence published in peer-reviewed journals.

The guideline must be current and the most recent version (i.e., developed, reviewed, or revised within the last 5 years).
Who Uses the NGC?
The NGC provides varied audiences with an easy-to-use mechanism for obtaining objective, detailed information on clinical practice guidelines:
Individual physicians and other clinicians can review and use the NGC in clinical decisionmaking and patient counseling.
Health care organizations and integrated delivery systems can use information accessible through the NGC to adopt or adapt guidelines for their networks.
Medical specialty and professional societies can use NGC resources in their own guideline development efforts.
Employers and other large purchasers can use information from the NGC to assist them in making health care benefits purchasing decisions.
Educational institutions can incorporate information accessible through the NGC into their curricula and continuing education activities.
State and local governments can use the NGC in their quality assurance and program oversight efforts.


Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education (MLDSE) is pleased to announce that they have signed on as an LDA Partner Organization, making them an official Maine affiliate of the national Lyme Disease Association (LDA).
MLDSE is currently the only Maine affiliate of the LDA.
For more information about the Lyme Disease Association, please visit their newly renovated website
For more information about MLDSE, please visit
Photo credit: H Roberts Photography
Angele Rice, Vice President/Co-Founder MLDSE
Pat Smith, President Lyme Disease Association
Paula Jackson Jones, President/Co-Founder MLDSE

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Prevent Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease

June 27, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Location: The Belfast Free Library, Belfast

 The Destination Wellness Series presentation on June 27, from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Belfast Free Library features Paula Jackson Jones and Angele Rice, who will focus on how you can safely enjoy the Maine outdoors and the way life should be. Is fear preventing you from enjoying the great outdoors in Maine this summer? Summers were made for having fun outside! Prevention is key. Tick-borne diseases can be avoided by following simple and easy steps. Join us and learn about the many different kinds of prevention options from treating your skin and clothing to treating your pets and yards. We will share options that are safe for everyone including kids and pets. Be informed. Take control. Learn how to live TICKED OFF! Paula Jackson Jones and Angele Rice are the co-founders of Midcoast Lyme Disease Support & Education and along with Alison Kelsey-Bryant, they travel the Midcoast region of Maine, sharing their personal journeys of Lyme and tick-borne disease, promoting prevention and education, providing local resources and community support. This event is sponsored by the Belfast Free Library. For more information, contact; or go to:

2016 Conference DVDS

Our 2016 2nd Annual MLDSE Conference DVDs are in and will be shipped out within the week ~
If you attended and did not order one or if you missed the conference but want to order one, the cost for the 2-dvd set (8hrs the entire day was recorded) is $30 and includes a conference attendee packet.
To order your conference dvd, send us an email and we will send you a Paypal invoice for payment:
Or you can print off the invoice and mail us a check (payable to MLDSE)
Get your 2016 MLDSE Conference DVD TODAY!!!!!!

Learn to Live Tick Free This Summer!

 Learn to Live Tick Free This Summer! You have two opportunities coming up this week to hear some prevention tips, strategies, and ask you're questions. Our support groups are free and open to the public. No childcare is provided. Feel free to checkout our website's Prevention Tab: 

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Upcoming Event!!